Culture Change and B2E Creative Consultants
We are experienced in communicating culture change within Financial Services organisations as well as other sectors. Recent projects have been with Canada Life, AXA and Marie Curie. We help brands deliver transformation cost effectively. We bring to life Vision, Values and Purpose. We work closely with HR teams to deliver marketing toolkits, events and campaigns to align internal and external business functions.

Read the full case study here Canada Life: Vision and Values
What we do
Vision, Values, Purpose
We help deliver culture change. We articulate vision, values, purpose. We embed brand values and demonstrate how they relate and align. This may include the development of an ‘employer brand’ to promote your organisation’s vision, values and purpose and support desired behaviour and practices. We make sure everyone is aligned with the strategic direction of the business, and everyone knows what is expected of them for the business to succeed.
Making sure internal and external messaging is aligned. Customers need a coherent and consistent brand experience at every touch point. Customer marketing campaigns need to be well supported if they are to succeed.
If we are to deliver culture change we need to unearth the insights. We’ll look at your data, we’ll conduct focus groups. We can identify pain points and learn what needs to change from everyone’s perspective in order to deliver the change vision. We undertake desk research, one on one and group workshops. And interviews and workshops can be conducted by the Creative Director, so that the Creative Director can begin to formulate creative propositions and sense check thinking and articulation as the ‘discover’ stage progresses which makes everyone feel invested in the outcomes and having a hand in the delivery.
The Employer Brand
We’ll help you market your business to your people. As an employer, what do you mean to your people? Do you reflect internally the brand values customers have bought into? If yours is an innovative brand, how do you encourage innovation in all your people? If you are a traditional brand, how do you make sure new ideas still come through? If service is at the heart of your offering, how are you of service to your employees? We’ll help you define and articulate what your brand stands for and its value proposition (EVP) to your employees
Employee Data 360
We can bring marketing data expertise to employer and culture change communications. We initiate quantitative insights and qualitative research. We have the capability and tools within our network for big data profiling and segmentation of employees in the same way as marketing departments do for customers. We target and tighten engagement messaging and develop propositions that employees at every level will feel are true. The insights we glean about existing employees then contribute to better targeted recruitment campaigns.
Reward and Recognition Programs
We help you show your people you value them and their contribution. The Rewards and Recognition programmes we build embed best practice, support brand values, understanding and alignment with vision and reinforce purpose. They help employees to see the contribution they make to the success of the business.
The Department Brand
All departments are business critical, and sometimes they need to raise their profile. This might be to signal culture change, communicate focus or just make everyone else aware of their contribution and how to work better with them. We’ve helped departments feel more connected to the business purpose and better understood within the business. Ask us about our experience.
The Internal Agency
We’ll help you to increase trust in your internal agency and show the business investment can pay dividends. We want your internal agency to succeed. We want your competitors to wish they had an internal agency like yours, and your designers and writers to feel proud of the work they do. We can support them as much or as little as you need. We can run creative workshops on topics such as concept development, propositions and copywriting or we can embed a CD on call. We’ll help you to raise creative standards and inspire your people. For a full list of what we can do, see Internal Agency Consultant
Communicating marketing campaigns internally
We have the tools and skills to communicate customer facing campaigns to your people to ensure a joined up customer experience whether that is to support the TV campaign when customers visit in branch or use the language on the phone.
Brand campaigns and marketing initiatives need your people behind them to give them the best chance of success. We put together briefings, workshops and internal campaigns using existing resources or new applications to embed the key thoughts and messages with senior staff and managers and tool kits to help them to inspire their teams.
Bringing new initiatives to life
We deliver proof of concept work and minimum viable creative for testing.
We help get new initiatives off the ground. We produce proof of concept creative to get business buy in. We create ‘minimum viable creative’ to field test propositions discreetly to deliver the projections needed to move forward with confidence. Using creative to scope out ideas and bring proposals to life can help to develop them quicker to secure the commitment need.
Recruitment and Retention
We make brands more attractive to the best candidates, and more attractive to existing employees. We help your people love your brand and love the contribution they can make. When your brand becomes famous for that, you’ll find recruitment and retention improves.
When someone joins an organisation first impressions count. And what you say from the get-go should support the employer brand story. They need to understand vision, values and purpose and feel motivated to contribute to the brand. We bring creativity to the on-boarding process to make it memorable and inspiring.

Understand the situation, and the problem we need to solve. Focus on the customer. Insights. Their needs, wants, behaviours and objections. Competitors and the market.

The story we need to tell. Strategies planned, propositions, messaging and customer journeys mapped out. Concepts and wireframes and creative direction agreed.

The deliverables. Everything made, signed, sealed and delivered. Designs completed and all copy written. Images created, pixel perfect artwork, all strategies completed. And sent live and hand-overs done.

Evolving the product. We’ll have agreed a testing strategy, but what comes next? We’ll review results and agree changes. Reset our KPIs and design and deliver the next stage