Preparing a business for change
Creatively Embedding Vision and Values while showing employees how they can make their mark. This was comprehensive campaign – from strategy to delivery of desk items, wall, intranet and learning tools, posters and ambient across 5 floors. And a 20m banner in the atrium
Canada Life had launched their employee values using a ‘finger print’ concept but engagement levels weren’t where they needed to be. We were asked to relaunch them, and to bring their values to life, clarify them, make them make sense to the audience and improve engagement. Because the finger print concept had already launched in the 5 UK locations, we needed to take a pragmatic approach so as not to cause confusion or trigger cynicism and not to reinvent the wheel.
The solution was to make sense of the finger print device giving it relevance and meaning. And add charm. We developed a campaign called ‘make your mark’.
The illustrations used our new improved (human) fingerprints in a humorous and engaging way. So we were able to illustrate how the values would deliver the brand vision and to land very hard and direct messages about each of the 4 values – People, Excellence, Together and Integrity. The idea was to deliver broadcast and guerilla type messaging to engage different audiences with the brand message – Better Futures. We created headlines, messages, ambient and display for walls, watercoolers and around desks, in the canteen, up stairs and even in the toilets. We delivered film, a learning app, intranet site, posters, wall and site dressing. The manager’s toolkit included a pack of cards, each value being a different suit and each suit describing the behaviours and attributes of the value. And in each pack of cards was a card trick just for fun, and (appropriately) a maths trick to encourage interaction.
Segmented messaging – to tailor and focus on each department, shown here on intranet
60 second film to kick off program and used in workshops and as training resource part of digital tool kit